Encouraging hands-on learning opportunities and collaboration between students, Story Box Library’s Units of Work are comprehensive thematic lessons linked to the Australian curriculum. Including ready-made printable resources and story suggestions, Units of Work are ready for the classroom, to be used as a sequence or individually. Units of Work are only available to active Story Box Library subscribers.


The first release focused on STEM learning outcomes for Foundation-6 students, with a final activity involving students in a team construction challenge. The F-2 unit is based around STRUCTURE, while the 3-6 unit is based around FORCE and MOTION.

Emotions & Wellbeing

In Story Box Library's second release, resources and stories are focused on topics of Emotions & Wellbeing for F-2 and 3-6 students, linked with the following titles for students:

Lower Primary Foundation-Year 2:

Upper Primary Years 3-6:

Click here to download Units of Work resources.